Green Leaf Recipes

Here are a few recipes using leafy greens that you might like to try. About half of them are from Leaf for Life field experiences and the others are from sources noted below each recipe. These dishes, in alphabetical order, are from all parts of the world. Some use fresh greens and some use dried leaf meal or leaf concentrate. Information on preparing these ingredients is found elsewhere in this web site.

Our apologies for any confusion, but we decided to retain the recipes in much the same format as they were originally written. A couple of conversion factors may be helpful:

1 c. (cup) = about 250 ml
1 tbsp. (tablespoon) = about 15 ml
1 tsp. (teaspoon) = about 5 ml

As most good cooks know, recipes are starting places to begin modifying and personalizing a dish. We hope you have fun playing with some of these recipes and eating the results. Please send us any great recipes that use leafy greens.

Bon apetit!

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