Answers to Pop Quiz

1. Why do greens, such as kale and collards, taste sweeter after a frost?

B. Greens try to protect their leaf tissues from freezing by converting some stored starch into soluble sugars, which lowers the sap's freezing point.

2. Why are antioxidants important for your health?

C. They are compounds that neutralize the reactive free radicals, preventing them from damaging cells throughout our bodies.

3. What is the biggest advantage of perennial leaf crops over annual ones?

A. They don't need to be planted every year.

4. What is the 5-A-Day Program?

B. A program to encourage eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

5. Why are solar dryers important?

B. They are a way of preserving food without an external energy cost.

6. Why are the leaves that drop from trees in the autumn not a useful source of food for us?

C. They contain too much fiber to be digestible.

7. What is the most common nutritional problem in the world?

B. Chronic fatigue from iron deficiency anemia.

8. What is chlorophyll?

A. The green pigment in leaves, essential to the production of carbohydrates by photosynthesis

9. Which of the following is not a common edible garden weed?

C. Llama's breath (Philadelphium Secaucus)

10. Why is it important to prevent ultra-violet radiation from reaching leaves that are being dried?

B. Ultra-violet rays destroy beta-carotene that is converted to vitamin A in your body.

11. What is leaf concentrate?

A. Leaf concentrate is a highly nutritious food made by coagulating the juice pressed from certain green leaves.

12. Which of these common plants has toxic leaves?

C. Tomato plants

13. Which of the following is an advantage of fortifying processed foods rather than getting essential nutrients from home gardens?

B. Your stock in pharmaceutical companies will soar.

14. Why is it important to reduce nitrates in your vegetables by growing them without synthetic nitrogen fertilizer?

A. Nitrates can be converted to carcinogenic nitrosamines in your digestive tract.

15. Which of the following is an advantage of growing greens in raised beds rather than rows?

B. Raised beds allow more plants to be grown in a given garden space.

* * Special Bonus Question * * *

16. Which of the following books had the greatest influence on modern leaf growing practice?

D. None of the Above by A. Nonymous